The Masque of the Red Death
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- May 18, 2022 by Leonardo Codamo#interactive fiction, #narrative, #if, #games, #adventure, #poe, #the red death, #elm story, #Atmospheric, #Dark, #ink, #Meaningful Choices, #Narrative, #Psychological Horror, #Singleplayer, #TwineWith great pleasure I announce an updated version of The Masque of the Red Death, with the addition of images, made using artificial intelligence. This was made possible by the release of Elm Story 0... Continue reading
- January 08, 2022 by Leonardo Codamo1#cyoa, #flowchart, #indie, #Narrative, #stories, #storyworld, #Twine, #Elm Story, #Poe, #Horror, #Interactive Narrative, #If, #Interactive fictionThe Masque of the Red Death 0.6.1 I updated this interactive narrative recreating the entire storyworld with Elm Story , our free, cross-platform design tool that helps authors, designers and students... Continue reading